

It’s been more than 25 years striving to find my real Self in this world.
I tasted joy, disappointments, failures, paths that led me nowhere, false masters and teachers, technics that were disapponting, powerful technics etc
But most of all I encountered my Real Self somewhere on the Way….
When I experience that, what I felt was that I owe to be humble , to be a temple for my Spirit and work every single moment to stay away of this mind-conditioning.

Somewhere along the way I met a few like-minded people that could speak the same language.
As the years were passing, spirituality became a popular craze. It became a new fashion of the System of mind-conditioning.
Thus, many teachings and technics were embodied and have been completely merchantized.
So, anyone in a couple of weekends could get a certificate to be a “healer” , a “teacher”, an “enlightened”.
If this was that easy…

To say the least, just observe someone’s everyday life, and this will witness who really he/she is.

Be a Temple

Be a TempleBe a Temple for the Spirit if you feel that’s the priority of your being.Don’t worship the Temple, bow to the Spirit inside.Don’t worship the image, bow to

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Scribes and Pharisees

Scribes and Pharisees

Scribes and Pharisees Do you remember the Scribes and Pharisees of Jesus’ time and how they treated him? Everyone now of course criticizes and despises them. From the beginning of

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