It’s been more than 25 years striving to find my real Self in this world.
I tasted joy, disappointments, failures, paths that led me nowhere, false masters and teachers, technics that were disapponting, powerful technics etc
But most of all I encountered my Real Self somewhere on the Way….
When I experience that, what I felt was that I owe to be humble , to be a temple for my Spirit and work every single moment to stay away of this mind-conditioning.
Somewhere along the way I met a few like-minded people that could speak the same language.
As the years were passing, spirituality became a popular craze. It became a new fashion of the System of mind-conditioning.
Thus, many teachings and technics were embodied and have been completely merchantized.
So, anyone in a couple of weekends could get a certificate to be a “healer” , a “teacher”, an “enlightened”.
If this was that easy…
To say the least, just observe someone’s everyday life, and this will witness who really he/she is.